Théâtres et performances des Premiers Peuples : protocoles d'engagement Sommaire Courage, Capacity, Earth-Diving: Riting Safe(r) Spaces Down in the “Muck” Contributor Name : Julie Burelle Contributor Name : Jill Carter Lire l’article › Practices of Care in Storytelling Contributor Name : Cole Alvis Contributor Name : Yolanda Bonnell Lire l’article › Ktahkomiq : la langue comme territoire en soi(t) Contributor Name : Julie Burelle Lire l’article › Le protocole au théâtre autochtone Contributor Name : Yves Sioui Durand Lire l’article › “We Can Speak for Ourselves”: An Applied Theatre Workshop About Decolonization for Judges Contributor Name : Lauren Jerke Contributor Name : Rupert Arcand Contributor Name : Rocky Ward Lire l’article › Respons(A)bility: Weaving Words of Responsibility Through Story Contributor Name : Mariel Belanger Lire l’article › Good Beginnings: Decolonizing Protocols and Agreements or Mouse Crosses River Contributor Name : Philip Jonah Logan Geller Lire l’article ›